LegCo Joint Subcommittee to Monitor the Implementation of the West Kowloon Cultural District Project visits West Kowloon Cultural District (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     At the invitation of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (WKCDA), the Legislative Council (LegCo) Joint Subcommittee to Monitor the Implementation of the West Kowloon Cultural District Project (Joint Subcommittee) visited the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) today (March 29) to better understand the latest development of the WKCD Project.

     Members first arrived the M+ Museum and received a briefing on the latest progress of the WKCD Project by the Acting Chief Executive Officer of WKCDA, Mrs Betty Fung. Afterwards, with the company of the Chairman of the Board of WKCDA, Mr Henry Tang; Mrs Betty Fung; and the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Caspar Tsui, Members took a tour in the M+ Museum, the first global museum of contemporary visual culture in Asia which is set to open to the public at the end of this year, to see for themselves the major facilities and architectural features of the M+ Museum Building.

     Members then visited the "Freespace" to understand the operation of food and beverage facilities which provide live music performance.

     In addition, Members paid a visit to the construction site of the Hong Kong Palace Museum (HKPM) to obtain the latest update on the construction works and exchanged views with representatives of WKCDA on the arrangement after the opening of HKPM.

     Members who participated in the visit are the Chairman of the Joint Subcommittee, Mr Lau Kwok-fan; Joint Subcommittee members Mr Holden Chow, Mr Kenneth Lau, Dr Cheng Chung-tai and Mr Vincent Cheng; as well as non-Joint Subcommittee member Ms Yung Hoi-yan.

     The Joint Subcommittee is a subcommittee formed under the LegCo Panel on Development and the LegCo Panel on Home Affairs.

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