LegCo congratulates Hong Kong team on winning silver medal in Boccia Mixed BC4 Pairs event

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:
     Hong Kong boccia athletes Mr Leung Yuk-wing, Ms Vivian Lau and Mr Wong Kwan-hang today (September 4) won a silver medal in the Boccia Mixed BC4 Pairs event at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games for HKSAR. The President of the Legislative Council (LegCo) Mr Andrew Leung, on behalf of all Members, issued a letter to congratulate the athletes. Mr Leung also expresses warmest thanks to their training team.
     Mr Leung said, "The athletes have overcome one hurdle after another throughout the series of boccia matches. With brilliant skills and team spirit, they showed preeminence in the competition by reaching semi-final without losing a single match. Fighting shoulder to shoulder throughout the years and bringing triumphs for Hong Kong in international competitions, they once again performed remarkably at the Paralympic Games and won the well-deserved silver medal. They are the pride of Hong Kong people."
     Mr Leung added, "The athletes strived for excellence and breakthroughs over the years. Their tireless efforts for improvement is admirable."