Lebanon: Statement by the Spokesperson on the judgment of the Sp

Today, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon pronounced the judgement in the Ayyash et al. case. The Special Tribunal for Lebanon was established by the United Nations Security Council in 2007 to try all those responsible for the terrorist bombing that killed former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and 21 other people in February 2005.

The European Union reiterates the need to fight impunity and strengthen accountability and the rule of law at the international level. We hope that the judgment today will be given appropriate follow-up.

The European Union has constantly supported the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. We stress the importance of Lebanon’s continued commitment to the full implementation of its international obligations, including United Nations Security Council resolution 1757 (2007), and call on all parties to continue to fully cooperate with the Special Tribunal.

Today’s pronouncement takes place against the background of the devastating explosion in Beirut on 4 August, that has shocked the whole world. There also needs to be an independent and credible investigation into this explosion.

The European Union reaffirms its strong partnership with Lebanon and remains committed to its sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity and political independence.