Lebanon elections ‘vital step’ in consolidating democratic tradition – UN chief

Welcoming the parliamentary elections in Lebanon, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called on the country’s political leaders to work in a spirt of unity.

In a statement attributable to his spokesperson, Mr. Guterres urged the country’s political leaders to “work in a spirit of unity and with a view to furthering the ambitious agenda set out by Lebanon and its international partners.”

The elections represent a vital step in strengthening Lebanon’s state institutions and consolidating its democratic tradition,” added the Secretary-General.

The UN chief also said that he looks forward to the formation of the new government.

UN continues to support Lebanon and its sovereignty, stability, and political independence in accordance with the Taif Accord – the agreement which ended the decades-long civil war in the country – as well as relevant Security Council resolutions, noted the statement.

The elections, held on 6 May, are the first since 2009.

It is also the find time Lebanon went to polls since the start of the Syrian crisis, which has driven over 1.5 million desperate Syrian refugees into Lebanon.