LCSD Community Care Series launched today (with photos)

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will launch a series of caring programmes and measures for senior citizens, persons with disabilities and people in need. The first batch of programmes rolled out today (February 24) are "The Evergreen" Award Scheme, the "Umbrellas for Loan by Elderly Park Visitors" Scheme and "Briefing on Outdoor Fitness Training" to be held at parks in 18 districts to encourage the elderly to exercise more and further promote their physical and psychological health. On cultural services, the LCSD will organise more performing arts activities, talks and workshops in a variety of genres to encourage the participation of senior citizens and persons with disabilities. Furthermore, the LCSD has launched a new Community Care page on its Edutainment Channel, an online platform covering information and learning materials on culture and leisure, to provide one-stop information for the elderly and people in need.
"The Evergreen" Award Scheme
     "The Evergreen" Award Scheme was launched today to encourage the elderly to enjoy various leisure facilities of LCSD parks and enhance their quality of life. Persons aged 60 or above can obtain "The Evergreen" park visit record card and a park map at offices of the 18 designated parks
( They can then visit three check points at a designated park to stamp their park visit record card with the stamps provided at the check points. The first 18 000 senior citizens who collect 15 different stamps from five designated parks can redeem a gift at the Green Education and Resource Centre at 1/F, Kowloon Park Office, 22 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, during office hours (Tuesday to Sunday: 9.30am to 5.00pm. Closed on Mondays) or park offices of the 18 designated parks (9am to 6pm every day). Gifts are available on a first-come, first-served basis while stocks last.
"Umbrellas for Loan by Elderly Park Visitors" Scheme
     The "Umbrellas for Loan by Elderly Park Visitors" Scheme is launched today at 18 designated parks ( to provide convenience to elderly in need during their visit to the parks around Hong Kong. When visiting the designated parks of the LCSD, elderly persons aged 60 or above can borrow umbrellas at the park offices or designated lending locations from 9am to 6pm daily based on their needs. Borrowers are required to show their identity documents to venue staff and complete simple registration procedures. The umbrellas are available for loan while supplies last, and each person can only borrow one umbrella for use within the park area each time. Borrowers are required to return the umbrellas to the park offices or put them into designated umbrella drop boxes before leaving the park within the same day. For details of lending and returning locations, please contact the venue staff.
Briefing on Outdoor Fitness Training
     Starting from today, the LCSD will organise "Briefing on Outdoor Fitness Training" sessions, mainly targeting the elderly, at the fitness corner of 18 major parks ( with free admission at a designated time. Instructors will guide participants on the correct use of outdoor fitness equipment, provide strength and conditioning teaching such as muscle endurance and fall prevention training, with a view to encouraging elderly people to do more exercise, improve balance and enhance their physical fitness. Park visitors can participate in the briefing on the spot without prior enrolment. Upon completion, participants will receive souvenirs on a first-come, first-served basis while stocks last.
     As well, the LCSD is looking into providing more suitable fitness equipment popular among senior citizens at suitable locations in about 30 new or existing venues, including putting in place a variety of new outdoor fitness equipment for aerobic exercise and resistance training. Also, the LCSD is considering introducing fitness equipment with intelligent functions at specific locations so that senior citizens can enjoy exercising with fitness equipment near their homes at any time for free without booking.
18dART – Community Arts Scheme
     To encourage senior citizens to get involved in cultural activities, performing arts activities targeted for the elderly will be organised under the 18dART – Community Arts Scheme, spanning a wide spectrum including training workshops, performance showcases, finale performances and more, providing the elderly with opportunities to participate and deepen their knowledge and skills in different art forms. Furthermore, musical training classes, harmonica workshops, Chinese drum workshops, dance workshops and more will be specially held for the elderly in different districts later this year. To promote social inclusion, 18dART also offers performing arts activities including training classes for people of different races.
Launching a new inclusive dance scheme
     To reinforce the promotion of inclusiveness to the general public, a new inclusive dance scheme is scheduled to be launched in May. With its base at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, the scheme will feature dance training programmes for students of special schools by professional dance groups. Dance performances which involve disabled persons as performers will also be arranged. Details of the scheme are to be announced.
New Community Care page on Edutainment Channel
     In order to further serve different communities, the LCSD has launched a new Community Care page ( on its Edutainment Channel, an online platform covering information and learning materials on culture and leisure. The new page provides content targeting the elderly and people in need. Apart from providing educational and entertaining videos, it will also become a one-stop platform where they can easily browse a wide range of services and cultural and leisure activities targeted for them. These include the Green Volunteer Scheme, Museum Volunteer Scheme, museum guided tours, as well as talks, workshops organised by museums and the Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL), information of Chinese opera programmes and interest classes on performing arts and more.
     The Edutainment Channel has been popular among members of the public since its launch in December 2020. Nearly 2 100 videos have been uploaded onto the channel with around 45 million views so far. Content of the Edutainment Channel will be updated regularly to keep people abreast of the latest developments in arts, culture, recreation and sports. Members of the public are most welcome to visit the channel and get the latest information of the Edutainment Channel via the "LCSD Plusss" Facebook page ( and Instagram page (
     In addition to the new measures above, visitors aged 60 or above have all along enjoyed a 50 per cent discount when visiting the permanent exhibitions of the Hong Kong Science Museum, the Hong Kong Space Museum and other fee-charging special exhibitions. This discount also applies to their purchase of museum passes or tickets of performing art programmes organised by the LCSD. They can also enjoy concessionary rates for most of the recreation and sports facilities during the specified period. Meanwhile, the HKPL also provide various facilities for the elderly and people with different needs. They include free use of electronic lockers by any person aged 60 or above, Internet work stations equipped with special assistive devices such as screen magnification software, Cantonese and English screen-reading software, "Easy-Dots" Chinese input software, portable magnifying glasses and magnifying sheets. On library collections, the HKPL will continue to acquire more library materials that are suitable and easy to use by the elderly, such as large print books and audio books, etc.

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