LCSD appeals to public to comply with social distancing measures (with photos)


     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) yesterday and today (January 2 and 3), together with relevant departments, continued to step up patrols to remind members of the public to maintain an appropriate social distance with other people. The public should also strictly observe regulations on the prohibition of group gathering and should wear masks at all times when being present in any public place.
     Between December 31 and 4pm today, the LCSD has given out over 8 800 times verbal advice and 39 fixed penalty notices to offenders of the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap 599G) and the Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap 599I) at venues under its management across the territory during the New Year holiday. The LCSD spokesman calls on members of the public to exercise self-discipline in order to reduce the chances of spreading the virus in the community.

     The LCSD will continue to step up patrols. Enforcement actions will be taken against offenders.

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