LCQ7: “Night Vibes Hong Kong” Campaign

     Following is a question by the Hon Benson Luk and a written reply by the Deputy Financial Secretary, Mr Michael Wong, in the Legislative Council today (November 8):


     The Government announced on September 14 this year the commencement of the "Night Vibes Hong Kong" activities. Different sectors of the community play their part in staging a wealth of attractive night-time events with local characteristics all over the city starting from mid-September, covering, among others, diversified leisure, harbourfront leisure, festive and vibrant, as well as art and cultural experiences to attract patrons to different districts and stimulate consumption. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(1) whether it has compiled interim statistics or made interim estimations on the "Night Vibes Hong Kong" Campaign; if so, of the following information to date: (i) the number of activities held, (ii) the number of participating commercial organisations, (iii) the number of communities involved, and (iv) the number of participants in various activities; if not, the reasons for that;

(2) of the number of "Night Vibes Hong Kong" activities to be held between now and the next Lunar New Year, and whether it has estimated the number of additional tourists and the economic benefits to be brought to Hong Kong by these activities; if so, of the specific details; if not, the reasons for that;

(3) whether it has plans to regularise some of the "Night Vibes Hong Kong" activities; if so, of the specific details; if not, the reasons for that; and

(4) whether it has formulated short to medium term plans for developing the night-time economy as a whole; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?



     The Government launched the "Night Vibes Hong Kong" Campaign in mid-September this year, staging in collaboration with various organisations a wealth of attractive night-time events with local characteristics covering entertainment, arts, culture, consumption and more across the city. The campaign aims to unite different sectors of the community in creating a dynamic vibe, so that citizens and tourists may experience the vibrancy and energy of Hong Kong's nightlife. Apart from participating in various exciting activities, citizens and tourists may also enjoy special offers from different organisations.

     My reply to the Hon Benson Luk's question is as follows:

(1) Since mid-September this year, more than 25 "Night Vibes Hong Kong" events have been or are being held to date. In addition to events organised by government departments, we received overwhelming support from various organisations for the campaign. Night-time activities were held and special offers were provided at over 80 shopping malls, fare concessions were offered by public transport operators and major events such as the National Day Fireworks Display and the Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival were held. Details of the events could be found at:

     The "Night Vibes Hong Kong" Campaign has received positive feedback from citizens and tourists since its launch. In respect of night-time events organised by government departments, the lantern carnivals held during the Mid-Autumn Festival recorded an accumulated attendance of around 660 000, with more than 300 000 visited the lantern carnival at Victoria Park. Starting from September 29, the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Hong Kong Science Museum and the Hong Kong Space Museum have extended their opening hours on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, with special programmes featured on Saturday evenings. As at October 29, the three museums received a total of over 7 200 visitors during the evening extended hours. Victoria Habour is a symbol of Hong Kong and as at October 31, some 270 000 people have visited the night-time events on the three harbourfront sites. Other "Night Vibes Hong Kong" activities were also well-received. For instance, the National Day Fireworks Display attracted over 430 000 spectators on both sides of Victoria Harbour, while some 140 000 people participated in the Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival held at the Central Harbourfront. Individual shopping malls also recorded an increase in visitor flow.

(2) to (4) A series of "Night Vibes Hong Kong" events will continue to be rolled out. We will continue to provide more choice of activities for citizens during the festivals to enhance the joyful atmosphere. These events include festive activities over Christmas, New Year countdown celebrations and Lunar New Year fairs. The Home and Youth Affairs Bureau will also actively promote the organisation of activities in various districts in the first half of next year. The Government will continue to encourage different organisations to stage attractive night-time events with local characteristics. Citizens and tourists may visit the thematic website "Night Vibes Hong Kong" ( for the latest event updates.

     A variety of events across the territory could create a lively festive atmosphere in Hong Kong and at the same time, bring more businesses for different sectors, such as tourism, retail consumption and catering. Some shopping mall operators have indicated that the Government's promotion of night-time events has stimulated citizens' willingness of spending. Individual retailers have also said that business has seen an increase by 20 per cent to 30 per cent. Relevant governemt departments will continue to proactively co-ordinate and provide appropriate assistance to the event organisers. We have not made any specific estimation of the number of additional tourists and extra economic benefits that the "Night Vibes Hong Kong" Campaign may bring.

     The change of lifestyle habits following the global pandemic would take time to adjust. "Night Vibes Hong Kong" provides more choices of night-time activites in Hong Kong, allowing citizens and tourists to participate in them according to their interest while revitalising the city's nightlife at the same time. We will continue to consider the views of the public, review the effectiveness of the campaign in a timely manner and listen to stakeholders' views on the potential future development. Meanwhile, the Government will keep exploring every possible means to boost our overall economy, including night-time economy.