LCQ3: Preparatory work for 15th National Games

     Following is a question by Dr the Hon Lo Wai-kwok and a reply by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Caspar Tsui, in the Legislative Council today (October 27):


     The State Council has given consent for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to host the 15th National Games in 2025. The Hong Kong Government has indicated that the hosting of the National Games, which is a comprehensive sports event of the largest scale and the highest level in the country, jointly by the three places of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao carries a significant meaning and the event will help promote sports development in Hong Kong. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(1) as it is expected that the Kai Tak Sports Park will not be completed until 2023, whether the Government will expeditiously conduct a review on how the Sports Park could complement Hong Kong's efforts in hosting some of the competition events of the National Games, including whether the scale and mode of operation of the facility will be commensurate with those needed by the competition events which the Government intends to bid for hosting in Hong Kong; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;

(2) given that the Government will allocate funding to the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) for the construction of a new facilities building to replace the existing facilities on strength and conditioning, sports science and sports medicine in the HKSI sports complex as well as renovation of the vacated parts of the sports complex, whether the Government will expeditiously assess the impacts of the relevant works on athletes' training and preparation for the various competition events of the National Games and make corresponding arrangements to mitigate such impacts; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and

(3) whether it has begun detailed discussions and co-ordination with the Guangdong and Macao authorities on issues relating to the National Games, including the roles of various parties and division of work among them, the estimated total expenditure and amounts of financial commitments to be made by various parties; if so; of the details; if not, the reasons for that?



     The Hong Kong, China Delegation performed brilliantly at the Tokyo Olympic Games (OG), achieving the best results of one gold, two silver and three bronze medals in Hong Kong's history; attained remarkable and encouraging results of two silver and three bronze medals by giving its best at the Tokyo Paralympic Games (PG); and captured two gold and five bronze medals at the 14th National Games (NG), making the entire community proud and lifted by its excellent performance. The success of Hong Kong athletes does not come about by chance. In addition to their own efforts and the support of different sectors, the Government's policy directives and continuous allocation of resources are also indispensable.

     We have announced various measures conducive to the sustainable development of sports in Hong Kong, one of which is to expedite the construction of the new facilities building of the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) and strive for its completion by mid-2024. With a net operating floor area of about 8 935 square metres, the new facilities building will mainly provide two new training venues and expand the facilities on strength and conditioning, sports science and sports medicine. The funding application of about $990 million for the main works was approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council on October 8 this year.

     The NG held once every four years is the nation's highest level and largest national multi-sports event. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government is grateful for the trust and support of the Central Government in announcing on August 26 this year its agreement for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to host the 15th NG in 2025. This is a significant move that will promote Hong Kong's sports development following the distinguished achievements of the Hong Kong, China Delegation at the Tokyo OG and PG. We will spare no effort to work closely with the relevant ministries of the Central Government, the Guangdong Province and the Macao SAR Government to carry out the preparatory work for the 15th NG in 2025 according to the Central Authorities' requirement of "simple, safe and wonderful" in conducting the event.

     My reply to the three parts of the question is as follows:

(1) The Kai Tak Sports Park (Sports Park) will occupy about 28 hectares of land. It will be the largest piece of sports infrastructure in Hong Kong, providing modern and multi-purpose facilities for sports and recreation with a view to enhancing the sports culture in Hong Kong.

     The Main Stadium of the Sports Park will adopt "Pearl of the Orient" as its facade design theme. It will provide 50 000 seats and features a retractable roof. Its flexible design enables the organisation of various sports events, such as rugby and football events, and a variety of entertainment and community events of different nature and scale. Furthermore, the Indoor Sports Centre of the Sports Park will comprise a main arena with 10 000 seats and an ancillary sports hall with a seating capacity of up to 500, making it a suitable venue for many indoor sports events such as table tennis, badminton, basketball, volleyball, handball and fencing events. The 5 000-seat Public Sports Ground of the Sports Park is also suitable for various sports such as athletics, rugby and football.

     In short, upon completion, the Sports Park can be used for hosting various sports games and major events, including the different sports games in the 15th NG. In addition, Hong Kong has other stadiums and grounds which are suitable for the organisation of international and regional sports events.

(2) The outstanding achievements of Hong Kong athletes are made possible with the professional training and support services they received. As more Hong Kong athletes have gained a place amongst the world's best, sports science and sports medicine support services become even more crucial not only in enhancing the effectiveness of athletes' training, but also in avoiding injuries and facilitating speedy recovery after competition.

     We will expedite the construction of the new facilities building of the HKSI and strive for completion by mid-2024. As mentioned before, the new facilities building will expand the facilities on strength and conditioning, sports science and sports medicine. Its early commissioning will further enhance the support to athletes on sports science and sports medicine, which would increase athletes' chances of scaling new heights in high-level major games such as the OG, the PG, the Asian Games and the NG.

     The HKSI will ensure that athletes' training and preparation for the NG and various competitions will not be affected during the construction of the new facilities building. There is a certain distance between the construction site for the new facilities building and other buildings. The HKSI will adopt quieter construction techniques to minimise noises and environmental impacts.

     Upon the completion of the new facilities building, the HKSI will relocate the existing facilities on strength and conditioning, sports science and sports medicine to the new facilities building before renovating the sports complex, in order not to affect athletes' use of such facilities. During renovation, the HKSI will instruct the contractors to separate areas under renovation from areas for normal operation so that the surrounding environment will be protected and the training venues will be unaffected. 

(3) The Home Affairs Bureau maintains close contact with the Sports Bureau of Guangdong Province and the Sports Bureau of the Macao SAR Government on the preparatory work for the 15th NG in 2025. The General Administration of Sport of China will later discuss with Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao the preparation of the 15th NG. There is no new information available to share at this moment. We would keep the Legislative Council informed on the progress in the future. Thank you, President.