LCQ3: Planning for Tung Chung East

     Following is a question by the Hon Holden Chow and a reply by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, in the Legislative Council today (November 28):


     Upon the completion of the Tung Chung New Town Extension project in 2030, Tung Chung will be capable of accommodating an additional population of about 144 000. The population of Tung Chung will ultimately be increased from 80 000 at present to 270 000. Regarding the planning for Tung Chung East under the project, will the Government inform this Council:

(1) as it is anticipated that the first population intake of Tung Chung East will take place in 2023, but the Tung Chung East Station will not be commissioned until 2026, of the measures to be put in place to address the transport needs of the residents concerned in the interim, as well as the latest progress of the Tung Chung West Extension and Tung Chung East Station railway project (including the date(s) for public consultation);

(2) whether it will, by drawing reference from the practice adopted in Copenhagen, promote the use of bicycle as a major mode of transport in Tung Chung East new town, and make road planning (including cycle track networks) accordingly; and

(3) whether it will, by drawing reference from the design of the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore, study the construction of a similar garden in Tung Chung East new town to provide a high quality open space for the residents' enjoyment?


Acting President,

     According to the information provided by the Development Bureau (DEVB), Tung Chung New Town Extension (TCNTE) project is one of the key measures under the Government's multi-pronged strategy to increase land supply in medium to long term. The project can provide about 49 600 housing units and 877 000 square metres of commercial floor area; the additional population is about 145 000. The TCNTE project includes reclamation of 130 hectares at the Tung Chung East (TCE) extension.  The reclamation and advance works commenced in end-2017. Upon full completion of the extension project in 2030, the total population of Tung Chung will increase to around 270 000. 

     To develop Lantau into a smart and low-carbon community, we will take TCNTE as the first pilot project that is premised on the planning of a smart and green city that is resilient to environment and climate. In formulating detailed design, we will adopt various urban design principles with a view to providing more accessible greening space, cycle track, pedestrian-friendly environment and waterfront promenade as far as possible, thereby enhancing liveability. 

     On transport infrastructure, to cater for the eastward and westward expansion of the new town, the Transport and Housing Bureau plans to extend the existing Tung Chung Line to the west, with the addition of Tung Chung East Station and Tung Chung West Station to enhance internal and external connectivity of Tung Chung. 

     My reply to the three parts of the Hon Holden Chow's question is as follows:

(1) The MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) submitted a project proposal for the Tung Chung Line Extension, including Tung Chung West Extension and Tung Chung East Station, in end January 2018.  The Transport and Housing Bureau, Highways Department, and the relevant bureaux and departments are reviewing the project proposal. The Government will continue with the liaison with MTRCL, including requesting MTRCL to provide supplementary information and details to ensure that the project proposal will be practically feasible and can bring maximum benefits to the community.

     If the proposal submitted by MTRCL is accepted, before finalising the Tung Chung Line Extension project, the Government will follow the established mechanism to consult the public, including the relevant district councils and stakeholders, on the proposed alignment, locations of stations, and delivery programme. After obtaining the support from the public, the Government will continue with the design, environmental impact assessment, and financial study, etc, having regard to the latest forecast of patronage and financial arrangement. 

     Railway planning is generally programmed taking into account the traffic demand generated from the population and development along the railway. As Tung Chung East Station will rest on a new reclamation area at Tung Chung East, it is necessary to match the construction of Tung Chung East Station with the reclamation being undertaken by the Civil Engineering and Development Department. If Tung Chung East Station is commissioned after the first population intake, the Government will provide appropriate road-based public transport services to satisfy the need of the community.   

(2) According to the information provided by DEVB, the transport system of the TCNTE would be railway-based and supplemented by new vehicular accesses, pedestrian walkways, cycle track network and bicycle parking facilities. In line with smart city design, DEVB will provide a walkable environment and comprehensive cycle track network to enhance accessibility within the communal area and improve walking facilities. 

     The relevant facilities may promote cycling as a green, short commuting facility and facilitate cycling as a tool to connect the "first mile" and "last mile" of travel to/from public transport stations, living places or offices, thus suppressing the need for using mechanised transport and reducing emissions from vehicles.

     Specifically, the TCE extension area will provide a new cycle track network of about 10 kilometres long along the waterfront promenade and inland pedestrian walkway. The network will connect most of the residential, commercial, educational and community facilities in the extension area as well as the existing cycle track network in Tung Chung. In particular, there will be a continuous cycle track of about 5 km along the waterfront promenade at TCE leading to the proposed cycle park at Tai Ho Interchange.

(3) According to the information provided by DEVB, to enable the public to enjoy quality open space, about 27 hectares on the approved Tung Chung Extension Area Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) have been planned as open space for various active and passive recreational uses to serve the need of local residents and the general public. The approved OZP also includes a landscape master plan, the objective of which is to link the proposed streetscapes, open space, Central Green and waterfront promenade to the town centre. The northern waterfront at TCE will provide a 5-km long waterfront promenade that connects with the existing town centre and the proposed Tai Ho Interchange. Retail and hotel facilities will be offered at the TCE waterfront to increase vibrancy and make it a diversified public open space and leisure hub. Apart from the waterfront promenade, located at the centre of TCE is a 5-hectare Central Green that will provide a north-south corridor. This public open space, which will have retail facilities and connection with the network of linear parks, will be a focal point and activity node of TCE, providing quality living space to the residents.