LCQ3: Improving external transport of Lung Kwu Tan area


     Following is a question by the Hon Holden Chow and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, in the Legislative Council today (April 27):
     It is learnt that many years ago, the Government had considered the construction of a road tunnel (Hong Po Road Tunnel) of about 3.5 kilometres long to connect Hong Po Road in Lam Tei, the West New Territories Landfill and Tsang Tsui Columbarium in Tuen Mun, so as to improve the external transport of the Lung Kwu Tan area of Tuen Mun. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) as it has been reported that the Government has held the construction of the Hong Po Road Tunnel in abeyance, of the details of the original planning of the tunnel (including its overall design) and the reasons for holding it in abeyance; and
(2) whether it will, by making reference to the effectiveness of the 4.8 kilometres long Lung Shan Tunnel in improving the traffic in the North District and in the light of the latest development of the Lung Kwu Tan area, consider afresh constructing the Hong Po Road Tunnel after developing an appropriate cost management proposal, so as to improve the external transport of the Lung Kwu Tan area; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
     Having consulted the Development Bureau, the Transport and Housing Bureau, the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD), the Transport Department and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, I provide my consolidated response to the question raised by the Hon Holden Chow as follows:
     Regarding the details of the Hong Po Road Tunnel, a citizen applied for leave application for judicial review in the High Court earlier and the hearing of the application concerned will be carried out. Since the legal proceedings are in progress, it is inappropriate for us at this stage to comment on further details concerning the judicial review application or matters that may affect the judicial review application.
     The Government fully understands the concerns of local stakeholders about the traffic in the Tuen Mun West area. Regarding the proposal raised by local stakeholders on constructing a road tunnel to connect the West New Territories (WENT) Landfill to Tuen Mun, the Government conducted a preliminary study from 2016 to 2019 on different tunnel alignment options, including the construction of the Hong Po Road Tunnel proposed by local stakeholders. As we mentioned in the discussion paper (Legislative Council Paper No. PWSC(2020-21)36) submitted to the Public Works Subcommittee of the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council in March 2021, the outcomes of the study revealed different levels of difficulties and challenges in various options. Based on the existing population and traffic demand in the district, the cost effectiveness is relatively low. Nevertheless, the CEDD (jointly with the Planning Department) will initiate the Planning and Engineering Study on the Lung Kwu Tan Reclamation and Re-planning of Tuen Mun West Area, which will examine the transport network in the Lung Kwu Tan area and study the provision of adequate road support to meet the development needs in the area.
     In view of the opportunity that the WENT Landfill is expected to be exhausted in 2026, the Environmental Protection Department is now working with the Highways Department to carry out the upgrading of Nim Wan Road and Deep Bay Road to enhance the coastal road network and the connectivity between Lung Kwu Tan in Tuen Mun West and Lau Fau Shan in Yuen Long West, and improve the accessibility in emergency situations, while upgrade the Nim Wan Road and Deep Bay Road to current design standards, including reducing sharp curves, improving driving sightline and traffic safety.
     The Government attaches great importance to the transport infrastructure and development of Tuen Mun West and Lung Kwu Tan areas, and actively and orderly pursues various large-scale infrastructure and transport projects for improving the quality of life for the public as well as enhancing the long-term competitiveness of Tuen Mun West and Lung Kwu Tan areas and promoting economic development.

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