LCQ15: Public housing development projects and the transport infrastructure in the Area 54 of Tuen Mun

     Following is a question by the Hon Holden Chow Ho-ding and a written reply by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, in the Legislative Council today (January 13):  


     The Government has planned to implement several public housing development projects in Area 54 of Tuen Mun to accommodate a population of about 50 000. However, some residents are worried that the transport infrastructure within the Tuen Mun District and that linking the District with urban areas can hardly meet the transport needs arising from the increased population. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(1) of the respective (i) peak hour vehicular flows and (ii) traffic capacities of the two new local distributor roads (i.e. L54A and L54D) in Area 54, which were commissioned in November last year; whether it has plans to build new roads in the Area; if so, of the details;

(2) given that the current Kowloon-bound road of the Lam Tei Interchange, which is adjacent to Area 54, accommodates single lane traffic only, and traffic congestion occurs every day during the morning peak hours, of the details and progress of the road improvement works to be carried out thereat by the Government;
(3) as it has been reported that the Government has recently decided to revise the alignment of the Tuen Mun Western Bypass which has been under planning for years but is still at the investigation stage, of the details of the latest alignment and the reasons for making that decision; and

(4) of the new transport infrastructure plans to cater for the population growth in Area 54 and to improve the traffic within the Tuen Mun District and that between the District and the urban areas?
The President,

     Having consulted the Civil Engineering and Development Department, my reply to the question raised by the Hon Holden Chow is as follows:
(1) and (2) According to the traffic impact assessment report (the assessment report) conducted by the Hong Kong Housing Authority for the housing and related developments in Tuen Mun Area 54, the design capacity of Road L54A (Yan Po Road) and Road L54D (Hing Kwai Street) is 3 600 and 1 800 passenger car units per hour respectively. These two roads were open to traffic in November 2020. According to the survey conducted by the Transport Department (TD) on January 7, 2021, the peak traffic flows of extended Hing Kwai Street and Yan Po Road is less than 50 passenger car units per hour and 200 passenger car units per hours in each bound respectively. Since the relevant housing projects have not yet completed, the Government will arrange traffic survey at a later stage again to collect the traffic flow statistics of the above two new roads.

     In order to support the housing and related developments in Tuen Mun Area 54, the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) will construct Road L54B and its connecting roads as well as the road improvement works at Lam Tei Interchange. The assessment report pointed out that after the construction of the roadworks, the transportation network would be sufficient to cope with the increased traffic flows arising from future housing and related development projects in Tuen Mun Area 54. The assessment report also predicted that the existing public transport services could meet the passenger demand generated after the completion of these new housing estates. In order to cope with the housing and related developments in Tuen Mun Area 54, the CEDD has arranged a number of road improvement projects, including widening the existing road junctions of Lam Tei Interchange and adjusting the road markings, to cater for the anticipated traffic growth arising from the developments in Tuen Mun Area 54. The CEDD expects that the relevant roadworks would start in 2021 for completion in 2022-23.

(3) and (4) The Government plans to consult the relevant District Councils and stakeholders early this year on the findings of the investigation study on Tuen Mun Western Bypass as well as the details of the proposed Tuen Mun Bypass (including its alignment and implementation timetable). The Government plans to commence the feasibility study of Tuen Mun Bypass this year, with a view to alleviating the traffic on the roads in Tuen Mun District.

     In order to cope with the future housing developments and population growth in Tuen Mun Area 54, the TD has planned to introduce six new bus routes providing cross-district service and two new bus routes providing intra-district service, the latter of which would provide feeder service for residents to interchange at MTR Siu Hong Station for railway service, or at Tuen Mun Station Public Transport Interchange for other bus routes. The TD will continue to closely monitor the changes in passenger demand in the District and liaise with public transport operators in a timely manner to adjust or enhance the existing services so as to meet the transport needs of residents.