LCQ12: Traffic control at junction of Cornwall Street and Beacon Hill Road

     Following is a question by the Hon Frankie Yick and a written reply by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, in the Legislative Council today (June 26):


     The southern end of the two-way Beacon Hill Road (the minor road) in Kowloon Tong is connected to the Cornwall Street (the major road).  Although the latter is a two-way east-west road with heavy traffic and vehicles travel on it at a rather high speed, no traffic light has been installed at that road junction. Some members of the public have relayed that due to the sharp bend at the entrance/exit of the minor road and drivers' views being blocked by a building or mound on the roadsides, there is a certain degree of danger for eastbound vehicles on the major road to make a left turn into the minor road and vehicles on the minor road to make a left turn into the major road. In addition, westbound vehicles on the major road intending to make a right turn into the minor road, as well as vehicles intending to make a right turn into the major road (westbound) after leaving the minor road, have to cut across several lanes on the major road, which frequently causes dangerous situations.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(1) of the number of traffic accidents which occurred at the aforesaid road junction in each of the past five years, and the details of each accident (including the causes of the accident, classes of vehicles involved and the resultant casualties); and

(2) whether it will install traffic lights at the road junction to control traffic; if so, of the details; if not, the measures to be put in place by the Government to enhance the road safety there?



     My reply to the various parts of the Hon Frankie Yick’s question is as follows:

(1) According to the records of the Transport Department (TD), the numbers of traffic accidents which occurred during the period from January 2014 to May 2019 at the junction of Cornwall Street and Beacon Hill Road, the resultant casualties as well as the classes and numbers of vehicles involved are tabulated at Annex. These traffic accidents were mainly caused by driver contributory factors, including "driving inattentively", "turning right/left negligently" and "failing to comply with the stop/give way traffic signs". At present, the road junction concerned is not a traffic black spot.

(2) TD has been keeping in view the traffic condition at the junction of Cornwall Street and Beacon Hill Road, and has on numerous occasions reviewed the feasibility of modifying the road junction to a signalised junction. Given the high traffic volume and busy traffic condition on Cornwall Street, and that the junction of Cornwall Street and Beacon Hill Road is only about 90 metres away from the signalised junction of Cornwall Street and Kent Road, the installation of traffic lights at the former road junction to control traffic will give rise to traffic congestion.

     The existing speed limit of Cornwall Street eastbound near Beacon Hill Road is set at 50 kilometres per hour. Along the traffic lanes of that road section, a total of six "Slow" road markings have been painted, and traffic signs "Side road ahead" and "Reduce speed now" have also been erected to enhance the alertness of motorists and road safety. In addition, motorists travelling into or out of the junction of Cornwall Street and Beacon Hill Road have adequate sightline. TD will continue to monitor the traffic conditions of the road junction concerned and implement appropriate traffic improvement measures as necessary in a timely manner.