LCQ10: Public markets in Tin Shui Wai


     Following is a question by the Dr Hon Cheng Chung-tai and a written reply by the Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, in the Legislative Council today (January 8):
     The Government has planned to build a new public market on Tin Fuk Road at its section near Tin Shui Wai Station of the MTR West Rail Line. As it takes time to build the market, the Government will build a temporary market adjacent to Tin Sau Road Park in Tin Shui Wai North. Quite a number of residents in Tin Shui Wai North (including Tin Yat Estate, Tin Chak Estate and Tin Heng Estate) have pointed out that the site identified for the new market is located too far away from their residences. They therefore hope that the Government will retain, on a long-term basis, the existing Tin Sau Bazaar, and change the said temporary market to a permanent one, so as to facilitate their purchase of daily necessities. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) of the long-term uses designated by the Government for the two sites on which Tin Sau Bazaar and the temporary market is/will be located; and
(2) whether it will consider retaining Tin Sau Bazaar on a long-term basis, and what factors it will take into account when making such a decision; of the circumstances under which the Government will consider changing the temporary market to a permanent one?
     The new public market in Tin Shui Wai is located at a section of Tin Fuk Road between Tin Shing Road and Tin Yiu Road adjoining the Tin Shui Wai Mass Transit Railway Station.  It is in the vicinity of a major transport hub in the district and is the main access point for local residents. Considering that it takes time to build a new market, the Government plans to provide a temporary market at the open space adjacent to Tin Sau Road Park to offer an additional choice for purchase of fresh food so that the public can benefit early. 
     Having consulted the Home Affairs Bureau and the Development Bureau, my reply to the question is as follows:
(1) The two sites where the Tin Sau Bazaar (the Bazaar) and the temporary market are located fall within the areas zoned "Open Space" ("O") on the approved Tin Shui Wai Outline Zoning Plan No. S/TSW/14 for serving the needs of local residents as well as the general public. The subject "O" zone has been largely developed as Tin Sau Road Park. The Government has no plan to change this long-term use at this stage.
(2) With the support of the relevant policy bureau, the Lands Department has leased the site of the Bazaar directly to the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) since 2013 by way of a short term tenancy at nominal rent in accordance with the established procedures, for the latter to operate the Bazaar on a non-profit-making basis. The objective is to provide more shopping choices for local residents, develop the local economy and create local employment. TWGHs has recently submitted an application to extend the tenancy for another term of three years. The application is being processed in accordance with established procedures. TWGHs has indicated that the existing tenancy of the Bazaar would be continued on a quarterly basis until the application for the three-year term tenancy is approved.
     As for the temporary market, we keep an open mind for its future arrangements and will consider its way forward taking into account the situation after the commissioning of the new public market in Tin Shui Wai.

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