Laws to be strictly enforced against illegal acts

     A spokesman for the Security Bureau today (September 30) said that he is aware that some people continue to incite others on the Internet to take part in unauthorised assemblies in various districts across the territory tomorrow (October 1). Some even advocate the use of violence, including attacking police stations, hurling petrol bombs and illegally blocking roads, blatantly defying the rule of law and seriously jeopardising public peace and social order. The Security Bureau stresses again that taking part in an unauthorised assembly is an illegal act, with offenders liable to a maximum penalty of five years' imprisonment. Anyone who commits the offence of riot is liable to a maximum penalty of 10 years' imprisonment. Inflicting bodily harm on others, possessing or using petrol bombs, arson, etc, are all serious offences which can result in long-term imprisonment.

     The Security Bureau emphasises that the public should refrain from taking part in any unauthorised assembly or prohibited group gathering. The Police will not condone any illegal and violent act, and will strictly enforce the law to ensure public peace and public safety.