Law to improve and protect the health of the nation is passed
Welcoming the passing of the Bill, Minister for Social Services and Public Health, Rebecca Evans said:
“This is a landmark day for public health in Wales. The Public Health (Wales) Bill is a radical piece of legislation which will improve and protect the health and wellbeing of the nation.
“Once law, the Bill will make a real difference to people in Wales. Children will be protected from the harms of second hand smoke and the dangers of intimate piercing; better planning of public toilet provision should mean older people, people with disabilities, and people caring for young children won’t be put off leaving the house; while anybody undergoing a special procedure will be able to have confidence that the person carrying it out has safe working practices.
“All of us will benefit from the requirements on public bodies to assess how their decisions will affect people’s physical and mental health, and the move to make the planning of pharmacy services more responsive to the needs of communities.
“I would like to thank all of the partners who worked with us to develop the Bill, and Assembly Members, whose constructive scrutiny has strengthened the final legislation. This radical new law will have a significant, lasting positive impact on health in Wales.”