Launching Analysis in Government Month 2022

The second Analysis in Government (AiG) Month will take place throughout May 2022 with the theme of #AnalysisCollaborate

Successful collaborations are the key to great working relationships and that’s why this year we’ll build on last year’s AiG Month (which had a theme of “Analysis Connect”) by exploring the brilliant things we can achieve by working collaboratively.

You can expect more insightful people stories, engaging events, interviews with senior leaders… plus we’ve even got an Evaluation Day and a Hackathon that you can get involved with.

There’s nothing better than bringing together different skills from diverse teams and we’re super excited to celebrate AiG Month with analysts from across government and beyond.

Don’t miss our launch event on Tuesday 3 May

AiG Month will include events, talks and activities covering interesting and useful content, and enabling you to connect with analysts from all different departments, grades and professions.

COMING SOON: Keep checking this page for our AiG Month preview… coming soon.

Inside the minds of our senior leaders

  • Analysis Function Leader Q&A: During the month, we’ll share insightful Q&A from senior leaders where we’ll ask pertinent questions affecting analysts across government, but also tackle the really important issues like scones… jam or cream first?!
  • Desert Island Discs: Head of the AF Sir Ian Diamond chooses eight recordings, a book and a luxury item that he would take if he were to be cast away on a desert island…

Challenge Analysts

  • The AF Hackathon: Form a team (across departments and professions) and work together on an analytical task, for example a data visualisation creation. We will crown the winning team!

Live events

We’re collaborating with a host of colleagues to bring you a range of interesting seminars throughout the month.

  • Analysis across Government: Analytical teams from departments such as HM Revenue and Customs, Ministry of Defence and the Office for National Statistics join us to explore analysis across government.
  • AFx launch: Find out about our new AFx events and how you’ll be able to get involved this year
  • More events to be announced soon!

As we build the calendar of events, we’ll publish more details here and on the AF Eventbrite page.

People stories

A focus on the biggest analysis stories from your departments and professions wiht range of articles for you to dip into throughout the month.

Dates and locations

  • All events will take place online during May 2022.
  • You will have time for collaborating and networking with colleagues across government with similar interests and work streams.

Who is Analysis in Government Month for?

Analysis in Government Month is open to:

  • Members of the Analysis Function and local government analysts
  • Aspiring analysts (both within and outside of government)
  • Policy professionals, Finance professionals, Operational Delivery Professions and anyone with an interest in government analysis, for example; other civil servants, academics or analysts in non-government organisations


Can’t wait?! To get into the spirit of AiG Month why not recap on videos, blogs and events from AiG Month 2021?

What is the Analysis Function?

Watch our video Proud to be the Government Analysis Function and why not subscribe to our channel while you’re there?


If you have any specific queries about this event, please email