Launch Assistant of Marine Department tested positive for COVID-19


     The Marine Department (MD) today (February 10) said that a Launch Assistant tested positive for COVID-19.
     The staff member works on a launch of the Immigration Department without the need to have contact with the public in his daily work. He wore masks and followed relevant disease prevention measures at work. He last performed duties on February 5. The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) is following up on the case.
     The MD has arranged thorough cleaning and sterilisation on the launch and the workplaces concerned in accordance with the CHP of DH's advice, and is arranging for all staff members working on the same launch to undergo COVID-19 testing.
     The MD has been strictly implementing disease prevention measures during the epidemic and will continue to maintain close liaison with the CHP of DH. Staff members are reminded to pay attention to personal hygiene and to stay vigilant. They should seek medical advice immediately if feeling unwell.

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