Latest service arrangements for Accident and Emergency Departments

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The Hospital Authority (HA) announced today (May 19) that, in view of the latest stabilised epidemic situation and the increasing service demand, the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Departments of Tin Shui Wai Hospital (TSWH), Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) and North Lantau Hospital (NLTH) will resume normal services gradually from tomorrow (May 20).
     The HA spokesperson said, "A&E Departments adopt a triage system, under which priority for services will be given to patients with more severe conditions. To alleviate the pressure on the services of A&E Departments, other patients are advised to attend consultation at general out-patient clinics or general practitioner clinics."
     In response to the epidemic, the A&E Departments of TSWH, QEH and NLTH have implemented special arrangements earlier to admit patients only in emergency medical condition.
     The HA thanked members of the public for their understanding on the special arrangements implemented in the A&E Departments of the three hospitals earlier and expressed its gratitude to healthcare staff, the Fire Services Department and other government departments for their co-operation and assistance.