Latest arrangements on services of Public Records Office of Government Records Service

     In line with the special work arrangement announced by the Government on January 31 to reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, Government Records Service (GRS) announced today (February 3) that it will maintain the following public services to members of the public by Public Records Office (PRO) who have made reservations for holdings through the online catalogue from February 4 to February 8 as follows:-

1. Loan and circulation service for reserved holdings; and
2. Self-service reproduction services

     Services for those who have not made an online reservation for holdings will temporarily be unavailable.

     Besides, Exhibition Hall in Hong Kong Public Records Building of GRS will be temporarily closed, and visitor and public education programmes will also be cancelled until further notice.

     Starting from today, members of the public can make reservation for inspecting PRO's holdings through its online catalogue. For details, please refer to "What’s New" in GRS website (

     The above measures will be implemented tentatively until February 8 and will be reviewed having regard to the latest situation. Detailed arrangements will be announced in due course. Members of the public are advised to visit GRS website ( for the latest updates. For further enquiries, please call 2195 7700 during office hours.