Latest arrangements on services of Public Records Office of Government Records Service


     The Government Records Service (GRS) announced today (May 2) that, in view of the latest situation of COVID-19, effective from May 4, 2020, its Public Records Office (PRO) will provide Search Room services (including onsite loan and circulation services) from Mondays to Fridays, 9.00am to 5.45pm (excluding public holidays), for members of the public who have made reservations through the Online Catalogue ( 
     In addition, the PRO will resume Search Room services on Saturdays from 9.00am to 1.00pm (excluding public holidays) for members of the public for inspecting holdings which have been reserved through the Online Catalogue. 
     Requests for Search Room services by up to 15 users will be accepted for each open day on a first-come, first-served basis. Users will be notified of the reservation results by email. Details of the arrangements are accessible at the GRS website.
     As part of the infection control measures, while cleaning of public facilities in the Hong Kong Public Records Building will be enhanced continuously, any person entering the Hong Kong Public Records Building will undergo an on-the-spot body temperature check arranged by the GRS. Anyone whose body temperature is higher than the prescribed level or who refuses to undergo a body temperature check will not be allowed to enter the Building.
     Moreover, visitor and public education programmes will continue to be suspended and the Exhibition Hall of the Hong Kong Public Records Building will be temporarily closed for the preparation of the new thematic exhibition until further notice.
     The GRS will continue to monitor the situation closely and review the arrangements in a timely manner. Members of the public are advised to visit the GRS website ( for the latest updates. For enquiries, please call 2195 7700 during the Public Records Office's opening hours or email at

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