Latest arrangements on FEHD’s public services

     To align with the Government's announcement that public services will resume under a phased approach, a spokesman for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) today (April 29) said that the Health Education Exhibition and Resource Centre and the Communication Resource Unit, Centre for Food Safety of the FEHD will be reopened on May 6 (Wednesday).
     The FEHD will adopt special measures at the above venues to be reopened to minimise the risk of the spread of the virus, including conducting temperature checks for all visitors before entering the venues, advising visitors to wear their own masks before admission, suspending the use of interactive exhibits in the venues as well as conducting enhanced cleaning and disinfection measures.
     Venue users are reminded to comply with the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G) on the prohibition of group gatherings of more than four people. Educational and outreaching programmes of the two venues will remain suspended.
     The spokesman said that during the implementation of special work arrangements for government departments, the FEHD has been providing normal public services including cleansing, environmental hygiene, pest control, slaughterhouses, public markets, hawker management, burials and cremations, as well as various licensing services. The Centre for Food Safety has also continued its surveillance on food sold in Hong Kong to protect public health and ensure that food for sale is fit for consumption.
     For the opening hours of the Health Education Exhibition and Resource Centre and the Communication Resource Unit, Centre for Food Safety, please refer to their respective links at and