Latest arrangements for services of Official Receiver’s Office

     In view of the latest local epidemic situation as well as the anti-epidemic measures announced by the Government, the Official Receiver's Office (ORO) today (March 11) announced that it will continue to provide emergency services and essential public services while also participating in anti-epidemic work, including supporting "restriction-testing declaration" and compulsory testing notice operations, contact tracing, and other related work. From March 14, the ORO will adjust its public services as follows until further notice.
     The public services counter of the ORO at 10/F, High Block, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong, will open from 9am to noon and from 2pm to 4pm on Tuesday and Thursday. The opening hours for specific public counter services are as follows:

Service Opening hours
(Tuesday and Thursday, except public holidays)
Counter service (including public enquiry service) 9am to noon
2pm to 4pm
Shroff 9am to noon
2pm to 4pm
Attestation service 10am to noon
2pm to 4pm
(Note: The attestation service will have to be arranged by appointment via the Online Appointment Booking for Attestation Services of the ORO (
). All online appointment bookings already made for non-business days of the public service counter (i.e. Monday, Wednesday and Friday) commencing from March 14 will be rescheduled and the members of the public concerned will be notified in due course. For any enquiries or assistance on access to the attestation service, members of the public can contact the hotline of the ORO at 2867 2448.)

     While the opening hours of all other offices of the ORO remain unchanged (i.e. from 8.30am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 5.45pm from Monday to Friday), the service will be scaled down under the special work arrangements. The waiting and processing times for the services, enquiries, complaints and applications may be longer.  

     To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the virus in the community, members of the public are urged to avoid coming to the offices of the ORO as far as possible. For the delivery of documents to the ORO, the public may make use of the ORO's designated drop box on the Deck Floor of Queensway Government Offices. They can also make use of the electronic services of the ORO and contact the ORO by:

(a) telephone hotline (2867 2448); 
(b) email (; or 
(c) fax (3105 1814). 

     As for the meetings of creditors, meetings of contributories and adjournment thereof, creditors are recommended to lodge their proxy with the ORO by way of fax at 3105 1814 and avoid attending a meeting in person. The proxy forms can be accessed at the ORO's websites below. Members of the public are also advised not to attend such meetings unless it is absolutely necessary.

For bankruptcy cases:
For liquidation cases:

     For any enquiries, please contact the ORO through the hotline at 2867 2448.