Latest arrangements for public services of the Legal Aid Department

     In view of the latest developments with COVID-19 and in response to the Government's announcement on the latest special work arrangements, the Legal Aid Department (LAD) announced today (March 23) that the LAD offices will provide basic necessary and limited civil and criminal legal aid application and litigation services between March 24 and 27.
     The Information and Application Services Unit of the Kowloon Branch Office will be closed starting from tomorrow (March 24) until further notice. Opening hours of other offices are as follows:  

Offices Opening hours
Information and Application Services Unit, Headquarters From 9.30am to 1pm; 2pm to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday
Crime Section From 9.30am to 1pm; 2pm to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday
Civil Litigation Section 1 From 9.30am to 1pm; 2pm to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday
Civil Litigation Section 2 From 9.30am to 1pm; 2pm to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday
Costing Unit and Enforcement Unit From 9.30am to 1pm; 2pm to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday
Shroff Office From 9.30am to 1pm; 2pm to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday

     For enquiries, please contact the following offices during the above office hours:

  • Information and Application Services Unit, Headquarters: 2537 7717 (for civil legal aid services)
  • Information and Application Services Unit, Kowloon Branch Office: 2380 0117
  • Crime Section: 2867 3139
  • Civil Litigation Section 1: 2867 3123
  • Civil Litigation Section 2: 2594 7884
  • Costing Unit and Enforcement Unit: 2867 3152

     Members of the public may also contact the LAD for other enquiries through its 24-hour hotline (2537 7677), email ( or fax (2537 5948).