Latest arrangements for HAD services


     â€‹In view of the latest situation of COVID-19, the Home Affairs Department (HAD) announced today (February 4) its latest service arrangements between today and February 11. The details are listed below.

     The Home Affairs Enquiry Centres in 18 districts and HAD's Estate Beneficiaries Support Unit (EBSU) will be temporarily closed. Members of the public may make prior appointment for administration of declaration/oath for private use and for inspection of bank deposit box using the telephone numbers provided in notices posted up in district offices and published on HAD's website

     The Office of the Licensing Authority will be temporarily closed. Any licensing application in connection with hotel, guesthouse and other premises as well as entertainment can be submitted by post or using e-submission. Application forms and submission details can be found on the webpage of the Office of the Licensing Authority:

     All community halls and community centres, except when being used as temporary cold shelters, temporary shelters for emergency situations or for anti-epidemic work, remain closed.

     â€‹The operating hours for HAD's enquiry hotline (2835 2500) and the hotline for persons under home quarantine (2835 1473) remain unchanged.

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