Latest Arrangement of General Out-patient Clinic Services during Holiday

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for the Hospital Authority (HA) today (March 30) announced that starting from April, the Tseung Kwan O (Po Ning Road) General Out-patient Clinic of Kowloon East Cluster will strengthen its services by providing general out-patient clinic (GOPC) services on Sundays and public holidays to facilitate the public to seek medical care during the holidays.
     For the upcoming extended five-day Easter holiday, the GOPC services will be enhanced by adding around 1 700 consultation quotas during the holiday; while 16 clinics in total (see appendix 1 for the service hours) will remain open to meet the service needs of the public during Easter holiday.
     Given the unsteady COVID-19 epidemic situation locally, the HA spokesperson reminded the public to continue to stay vigilant during the festival. They should avoid participating in mass gatherings and minimise meal gatherings; maintain personal and environmental hygiene; comply with epidemic prevention measures such as wearing masks, practising hand hygiene frequently and maintaining social distance.
     The latest Accident and Emergency Department waiting time information is available on the HA website and in "HA Connect" on the "HA Go" mobile application. To find a suitable family doctor and related clinic service of one's choice, members of the public are welcome to browse the Primary Care Directory of the Food and Health Bureau at In addition, members of the public can obtain specimen collection packs for COVID-19 tests during the holiday or submit specimens at 10 GOPCs (see the appendix 2 for details) at the designated time. The public can also obtain specimen collection packs at 20 MTR stations. For details, please visit the website: