Labour’s new manifesto ambition to make Britain’s children the healthiest in the world


Labour are today (Monday) announcing that a Labour
government will mount a major programme to improve health and wellbeing of
every child in the country. Our ambition is to make the next generation the healthiest the world has ever seen.

Jonathan Ashworth, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary,
will set out the party’s plans to combat health inequalities and end the
scandalous link between deprivation and child health.

Labour will:

a new Index of Child Health to measure progress against international standards
and report annually against four key indicators: obesity, dental health, under
5s, and mental health.

require all Government departments to have a child health strategy to set out
how they will support the UK’s ambition to have the healthiest children in the

school nurses and health visitors to make sure that all children have access to
the healthcare they are entitled to.

up a £250m annual child health fund to support the strategy, by clamping down
on management consultancy costs in the NHS.

extra funding for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and support for
counselling in every school.

the public health budget over the course of the Parliament to allow councils to
invest in leisure activities and health awareness campaigns 

Today (Monday) Labour is outlining the
first stage of its plan focusing specifically on obesity which is costing the
NHS £6bn a year.

Labour pledge to
ban adverts promoting unhealthy food from being broadcast during primetime
television, such as the X Factor, Hollyoaks and Britain’s Got Talent. A ban on pre-watershed junk food advertising would
reduce children’s viewing of junk food adverts by 82%.

Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary,
Jonathan Ashworth, will pledge that a Labour Government elected after the
General Election would:

childhood obesity within ten years and make Britain “the healthiest country in
the world to grow up in.”

legislation banning junk food advertising from being broadcast before 9pm

a new childhood obesity strategy within the first 100 days outlining a roadmap
to halving childhood obesity rates within ten years

Jonathan Ashworth, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary,
will say:

“The scandal of child ill-health is a long-standing,
growing and urgent challenge. It should be matter of shame that a child’s
health is so closely linked to poverty and that where and in what circumstances
you grow up can dramatically affect your life chances.

“Evidence shows the link between
deprivation and poor health in childhood, so with child poverty on the rise,
the need for action becomes more acute.

“The UK has one of the worst childhood
obesity rates in Western Europe. Tooth decay is the single most common reason
why children aged five to nine require admission to hospital. Around 13% of
boys and 10% of girls aged 11-15 have mental health problems.

“When it comes to our children we should
be ambitious. It’s time we invested properly in the health of the next
generation. That means the sort of bold action we are outlining today to tackle
obesity and invest in mental health provision.

Labour will put children at the heart our
health strategy and put measures in place to make Britain’s children the healthiest
in the world.”

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