Labour’s Leonard must rule out indyref2


21 Sep 2018


Richard Leonard, Labour’s leader in Scotland, has been challenged to stand-up to Jeremy Corbyn’s policy of handing the SNP another independence referendum.

Yesterday, Mr Corbyn said he’d be happy to grant the nationalists another separation vote if he was Prime Minister.

That’s a direct contradiction of Labour’s 2017 manifesto, and now Mr Leonard has been told to distance himself from the comments, and stand up for Scotland’s No voters.

It’s not the first time Mr Corbyn – who failed to campaign to keep Britain together during the 2014 referendum – has been weak on Scotland’s place in the UK.

The Scottish Conservatives said this concession was another opportunity for Mr Leonard make a stand against the UK party leader, especially after he failed to speak out on anti-semitism.

Scottish Conservative deputy leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“Jeremy Corbyn’s weak admission that he wants the SNP to have another independence vote is a direct contradiction of Labour’s 2017 manifesto.

“Richard Leonard has to now clarify what his party’s position on this vital matter is.

“Is he going to stand up for the majority of Scots who want to keep the UK together, or is he too afraid to go against the wishes of his boss in London?

“Richard Leonard’s silence on anti-semitism was embarrassing – he cannot afford to repeat that mistake when it comes to keeping Scotland in the UK.

“He needs to get on the phone to Jeremy Corbyn, and tell him to toughen up his stance straight away.”

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