Labour will protect state pension as Tories fail to commit to Triple Lock


A Labour
Government will protect the incomes of twelve million pensioners by legislating
to keep the ‘triple lock’, Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, will say

Under the
Conservatives’ watch 300,000 more pensioners are in poverty, yet the Conservative
Party has failed to commit to the ‘triple lock’ on state pensions; a policy
which protects pensioners’ standard of living by guaranteeing that their
incomes rise to meet the cost of living.

A Labour
Government will protect pensioners by legislating to guarantee the triple lock,
and committing to keep the Winter Fuel Allowance and free bus passes.  

pensioners in Norwich on Saturday, Jeremy Corbyn will say:

Conservative’s failure to guarantee a decent standard of living for older
people, Tory cuts to social care and their failure to protect the NHS are proof
that the Tories’ are abandoning older people.

“With more
pensioners in poverty under the Conservatives, it is clear that a Labour
Government is necessary to provide a secure and dignified retirement for the
many who have contributed all their lives.

“Labour will
legislate to guarantee the triple lock on state pensions over the next
parliament, and we’ll protect the Winter Fuel Allowance and free bus passes.”

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