Labour will guarantee the rights of EU nationals


9 May 2017

Labour has challenged the Tories and the SNP to gurantee the rights of EU nationals living in Scotland

Today is Europe day, and Kez Dugdale has confirmed that EU nationals will have their rights guranteed by a Labour government.

Now it's time for Ruth Davidson to do the same

Kez said:

“The Tories have used people like poker chips since the EU referendum. It’s sickening, it’s wrong and it needs to stop.

“Labour’s manifesto will guarantee the rights of EU nationals. This goes to the very heart about who we are as a country. There are over 180,000 EU nationals currently living and working in Scotland and they make a rich contribution to our society and economy.

"In Edinburgh, EU nationals are vital to our capital's economy, and Ian Murray will always fight for their rights in Edinburgh South.

“Ruth Davidson and the Scottish Tories need to match Labour’s commitment and guarantee beyond doubt that EU nationals will be able to continue to live and work in Scotland after we leave the EU.

“Nicola Sturgeon needs to stop destabilising Scotland's economy and take the threat of a second independence referendum off the table.

“Labour believes that together we’re stronger.  Our country is divided enough. It is time to start healing the scars of both 2014 and 2016. That’s why a vote for Labour on June 8 is a vote against another divisive independence referendum and against a hard Tory Brexit."

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