Labour secures vote on Universal Credit roll out

Labour has secured
a vote on the Government’s plan to continue the roll out of Universal Credit
Full Service.  

This follows
criticism of the Government’s decision to persevere with the roll out of
Universal Credit, which has been shown to be driving debt and arrears among low
income families.  

The Department of
Work and Pensions’ own data shows that one in four new claims are not being
paid in full in six weeks, with half of those in rent arrears reporting that
they went into debt after claiming Universal Credit.  

Concerns have also
been expressed regarding the high cost of calls to the programme’s helpline,
with some callers paying as much as 55p a minute.

This vote will be a
key test of the Government’s flagship welfare reform policy. At least twenty
five MPs from the Conservative Party are believed to back Labour’s call for a
pause to roll out, more than the Prime Minister’s working majority of thirteen.

Debbie Abrahams MP, Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions

commenting on the announcement, said;  

“The Government is
ignoring its own evidence, and the concerns of its MPs to push ahead with their
flawed Universal Credit programme. 

“The social security
system should work to prevent people from getting into debt, not to exacerbate

“The numerous
problems with Universal Credit are not just administrative; the delays and cuts
made by this Government to the programme are all contributing to claimant debt.
We will work with them to tackle these issues.

“The Government
must pause and fix the programme before the roll out can cause further harm to
those struggling to get by.”