Labour reaffirms commitment to tackling illegal air quality on National Clean Air Day


Commenting on the first National Clean Air Day in the UK, Sue
Hayman, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs said:

“With nearly 40 million people in Britain living in areas with
illegal levels of air pollution and more than 2,000 schools and nurseries close
to roads with damaging levels of diesel fumes, the first ever National Clean
Air Day today is a timely and welcome reminder of the scale of the problem of
illegal air quality in the UK.

“Labour welcomes this first National Clean Air Day to raise
awareness about the need to cut harmful vehicle emissions and fight pollution.

“On this National Clean Air Day, Labour reaffirms our commitment
to bringing forward a new Clean Air Act and calls on the government to stop
ducking and diving on this issue and take responsibility to end the public
health scandal of poor air quality.”

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