Labour Party

Rebecca Long Bailey responds to fall in the number of hybrid cars sold

Rebecca Long Bailey, Shadow Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Secretary, responding to a fall in the number of hybrid cars sold, said:

“If the government is serious about tackling the climate emergency they must put money where their mouth is and take real action, not cut subsidies which were working. Their...Read More »

Tory cuts driving crumbling state of our hospitals, Labour reveals

New research published today by the Labour Party reveals the shocking state of hospitals across the country.

Freedom of information requests were sent to every hospital trust in England. 170 trusts responded. The data shows:

  • 76 hospital trusts in England revealed that incidents had occurred at their trust due to estates and...Read More »

Corbyn visits Labour council that declared climate emergency to call on other communities to take urgent action

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn will today visit Cheshire East, where the local council recently declared a climate emergency, to urge people and communities to follow suit and “come together to demand change and climate justice”.

In a call to action ahead of the visit, the Labour Leader warned that the climate...Read More »

Mandatory levy for gambling companies – Tom Watson

Tom Watson MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, responding to news that gambling companies have pledged £60 million to help gambling addicts, said:

“Any rise in the amount spent on research, education and treatment of problem gambling is welcome but too many gambling companies still...Read More »

Times front page – Jeremy Corbyn responds

Responding to The Times front page article, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, said: 

The idea that civil servants should be briefing a newspapers against an elected politician, against a prospective government, is something that should be very concerning to all of us.

The Civil Service has to be independent;...Read More »

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