Labour Party

Ethnicity pay gap – Dawn Butler responds

Dawn Butler MP, Labour’s Shadow Women and Equalities Secretary, commenting on the ONS ethnicity pay gap figures for 2018 released today, said:

“Today’s figures highlight the shocking persistence of ethnic pay inequality. People need to earn a fair wage based on merit, not by virtue of the colour of their skin...Read More »

Jeremy Corbyn closes Labour’s Brexit consultation by challenging the next prime minister to put their deal to the people in a referendum, in which Labour would campaign for remain against No Deal or a damaging Tory Brexit

This morning, Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, convened a meeting of the party’s shadow cabinet to agree a settled Brexit position. The Labour Party will now challenge whoever emerges as the leader of the Conservative Party to have the confidence to put their deal to the people in...Read More »

Tories have cut police funding and personnel consistently since 2010 – Diane Abbott

Diane Abbott MP,  Shadow Home Secretary, responding to the release of a new Home Office document on police funding from 2015, said:

“The Home Secretary may be kidding himself with assertions of rising police funding, but he won’t fool over-stretched police forces or the general public who are increasingly concerned about...Read More »

Inaction on social care funding is taking a heavy toll on the finances of people with dementia and their families – Barbara Keeley

Barbara Keeley MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Social Care and Mental Health, responding to the latest Alzheimer’s Society report, said:

“This research reveals the shocking scale of the social care funding crisis. Continued inaction on social care funding from this government is taking a heavy toll on the finances of people...Read More »

Margaret Greenwood responds to Universal Credit claimants being targeted in a multi-million pound scam

Margaret Greenwood MP, Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, responding to reports of Universal Credit claimants being targeted in a multi-million pound scam, said:

“The government claimed that Universal Credit would reduce fraud and error. Now we know it is clearly failing in that, just as it is failing to protect...Read More »

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