Labour Party

Barbara Keeley responds to Prime Minister’s announcement on prevention in mental health

Barbara Keeley MP, Shadow Minister for Mental Health and Social Care, responding to the Prime Minister’s announcement on prevention in mental health, said:

“Once again we hear warm words from the Prime Minister on mental health, but the reality is that mental health services are stretched to breaking point and people...Read More »

Knife-related offences continues to soar – Diane Abbott

Diane Abbott MP, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary, commenting on new statistics which show that in the year ending March 2019 the highest number of knife and offensive weapon offences since 2010 were formally dealt with by the Criminal Justice System, said:

“The number of knife-related offences continues to soar under this...Read More »

Rebecca Long Bailey comments on GMB’s report on Amazon’s public sector contracts

Rebecca Long Bailey MP, Labour’s  Shadow Business Secretary, commenting on GMB’s report on Amazon’s public sector contracts, said:

“It is shocking that the government has spent millions with a company that makes massive profits while mistreating its workers and paying barely any tax.

“Labour in government will insist that that when taxpayer...Read More »

John McDonnell responds to Boris Johnson’s pledge to cut higher income tax rates

John McDonnell MP, Shadow Chancellor, commenting on Boris Johnson’s pledge to cut higher income tax rates, said:

“With our schools, care for the elderly and our police services at breaking point, Boris Johnson’s proposals to give a tax cut to high earners reveals how out of touch the Tories are.  As...Read More »

Jeremy Corbyn pays tribute to heroism of D-Day troops

Ahead of attending the 75th anniversary commemoration of the D-Day landings in Portsmouth, Jeremy Corbyn MP, leader of the Labour Party, said:

“The troops that landed on the beaches of France 75 years ago showed unimaginable heroism. Many laid down their lives in the fight against fascism.

“People will have heard the...Read More »

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