Labour launches Pensioners’ Pledge Card

Speaking today (Wednesday 12 April) on a visit to an arts and crafts exhibition at Age UK Coventry’s Craft and Computer Centre, the Shadow Chancellor and Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, will launch Labour’s Pensioners’ Pledge Card.

The Pensioners’ Pledge Card lays out Labour’s four promises to protect older people in our communities: 

  • Protect pensioner incomes by legislating to keep the Triple-Lock on state pensions up to 2025
  • End Tory unfairness on the women’s pension age, compensating those worst affected 
  • Protect the pensions of UK citizens living overseas
  • Keep the Winter Fuel Allowance and free bus passes for pensioners

Alongside the pledge card, Labour will publish new analysis from the House of Commons Library showing pensioners will be at least £650 better off by the end of the next parliament from keeping the triple-lock.

Highlighting an increase in pensioner poverty over the last year, Labour will also commit to compensating women worst affected by the Government’s speeding-up of the state pension age; protecting pensioner benefits and protecting the pensions of UK citizens living abroad.

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, will say:

“I am delighted to be launching this pledge card that will inform many elderly people in our communities that Labour is not only promising to stand up for pensioners; but is determined to ensure they keep the hard-won entitlements they currently hold.

“It’s a national scandal that pensioner poverty is rising and the Tories are refusing to commit to keeping the triple-lock or compensate women worst affected by the speeding up in the state pension age.

“Only a Labour Government will stand up for pensioners and protect them throughout the next parliament.”
