Labour keeps up the pressure on public sector pay


3 July 2017

Public sector workers need a pay rise. That's why today Kez Dugdale has written to Nicola Sturgeon calling for clarity on vague promises about a pay rise.

The story so far…

On 10 May 2017, Nicola Sturgeon and other SNP MSPs voted against a Labour motion at Holyrood to scrap the 1% pay cap on NHS staff and give NHS staff a real terms pay rise instead. 

Then, on 21 May, Nicola Sturgeon was heckled by a nurse on NHS pay. 

After the General Election, SNP MPs supported a Labour motion at Westminster to lift the public sector pay cap.

Now, the SNP government at Holyrood is promsing to lift the cap – despite voting against just weeks ago.  

That's why today Kez Dugdale has written to Nicola Sturgeon looking for answers on her vague promises, and keeping the pressure on the SNP government to deliver a pay rise for public sector workers.

Agree with us that Scotland's public sector workers need a payrise? Then join today and let's fight for a Scotland for the many, not the few. 

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