Labour has extended the hand of partnership for a new relationship with Europe – Jeremy Corbyn


Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the
Labour Party,
following today’s meeting with EU chief negotiator Michel
Barnier in Brussels, said:

“I’m pleased to have
had a friendly and constructive meeting with Michel Barnier today.

“Keir Starmer, Diane
Abbott and I had a frank and informative conversation with the EU’s chief
negotiator and exchanged views about how we see the Brexit process working.

“Labour has extended
the hand of partnership for a new relationship with Europe and we outlined how
our goal of a jobs-first Brexit deal would protect our mutual trading

“We set out Labour’s
Brexit priorities in contrast to the race-to-the-bottom tax haven threatened by
the Conservatives.

“The General Election
result has clearly changed the context for the Brexit talks and means the
Government will have to listen to Parliament and will not be able to have it
all its own way.

“Labour respects the
EU referendum result, and we will be taking every opportunity to try and
achieve a Brexit which puts jobs, living standards and environmental protection
at its heart.”

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