Labour Department appeals to employers to make arrangement to reduce the risk of the spread of novel coronavirus in the community

     The Labour Department (LD) today (January 30) appeals to employers to provide necessary personal protective equipment like surgical masks to front-line staff and those in need in order to reduce the risk of the spread of novel coronavirus in the community.

     For persons travelling from Hubei Province and now in Hong Kong, Department of Health (DH) requires them, if asymptomatic, to wear a surgical mask and continue to do so until 14 days after departing the Mainland, and self-isolate for 14 days as far as possible. If having a fever or other symptoms, they should immediately seek medical advice from the nearest hospital's Accident and Emergency Department, and inform the doctor of the travel history to Hubei Province.

     Those returning from other parts of the Mainland are advised to stay home for 14 days upon their return as far as possible. Those who need to go out should wear a surgical mask. Employers should give due consideration to the circumstances of individual employees and make flexible work arrangements. This will help maintain good labour-management relations and protect the health of all the employees.

     For Hong Kong residents and travellers who had been to Hubei Province in the past 14 days but had returned to or entered Hong Kong earlier, they should call the DH’s hotline (2125 1122) for health advice.

     If an employee is required or ordered by a Health Officer to be put under medical surveillance or quarantine, he will be issued a medical certificate with the statement of "under medical surveillance". The employer would need to grant that employee sick leave in accordance with the requirements under the Employment Ordinance or the relevant employment contract. For enquiry on employment rights and benefits, please call the LD's 24-hour enquiry hotline at 2717 1771 (the hotline is manned by “1823”).