Kezia Dugdale responds to Brexit


Commenting on the triggering of Article 50, which will start the Brexit process, Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said:

“This is a deeply divisive moment in our country’s history. The letter signed by the Prime Minister will have a seismic impact on Scotland’s economy, risking thousands of jobs and livelihoods.

“At a time of such uncertainty, Scotland deserves better than two governments – the Tories and the SNP – which have adopted such extreme constitutional positions and are so determined to create deep divisions with our closest neighbours.

“I accept that those of us who backed Remain lost the EU referendum and the strength of our democracy rests on our respect for the will of the people.

“But while I accept that the UK is leaving the European Union, I am not prepared to stand by as Theresa May forges ahead with a plan for a settlement that will do incalculable damage to Scotland and the UK.

“Leave voters didn’t back Brexit to make themselves poorer, but that is exactly what will happen under the current plans.

“I have written to the Prime Minister urging her to change her approach and secure the best possible Brexit deal, which should include free access to the single market for Scottish exporters, and allow Scottish firms to continue to recruit workers from elsewhere in the EU.

“The only thing more damaging for our economy than a Tory Brexit is the SNP’s reckless plan for independence. We will never support something that brings greater hardship to working families. Unlike the SNP and the Tories, we will always stand up for Scotland and the best interests of people who live and work here.”

Read Kez's letter to the Prime Minister here:

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