Keir Starmer responds to Tory calls for a ‘root and branch’ review of EU regulations


Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union,
responding to Tory calls for a ‘root and branch’ review of EU
regulations, said:

report that Iain Duncan Smith cites describes basic employment rights as costly

“On the eve of triggering Article 50 it
is increasingly clear that rights and protections are seen by many senior
Tories, including in the Cabinet, as an “expensive” luxury that British workers
and consumer consumers can do without.

“That is why one of Labour’s six tests for the Brexit deal is that it defends
hard fought for rights and protections and doesn’t lead to a race to the

“The Prime Minister must stand up to the growing voices in her Party that see
Brexit as a once in a generation opportunity to dismantle the rights and
protections that underpin our economic model.”

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