Jonathan Ashworth responds to Care Quality Commission’s findings


Jonathan Ashworth MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, responding to the Care Quality Commission’s findings that many independent clinics that provide residential detoxification are not providing safe or good quality care, said:

“This damning report illustrates a disgraceful failure by the private sector to provide vulnerable drug and alcohol addicts with the safest and best quality treatment available. Helping those with alcohol and drug addiction issues is a personal priority of mine and this report is yet more evidence that we simply aren’t doing anywhere near enough to deal with addiction in society.

“The Tories have slashed vital alcohol and drug treatment programmes by £43 million this year, forcing many to turn to the independent sector for help.

“The report also highlights the inadequacies of expecting the private sector to provide the level of service needed and as such we will need to build capacity in the public sector.

“Labour will reverse these damaging public health cuts to important addiction services and ensure everyone receives the best possible treatment they deserve.”

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