Joint statement by the European Commission and the Spanish Government

Following today’s meeting Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Ms Carmen Calvo, Vice-President of the Spanish Government, Josep Borrell, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Mr Fernando Grande-Marlaska, Minister of Home Affairs, and Ms Magdalena Valerio, Minister for Labour, Migration and Social Security issued the following joint statement:

“The European Commission and the Government of Spain continue the open dialogue and cooperation on migration, in particular on the challenges linked to the increased migratory pressure along the Western Mediterranean route. 

During today’s meeting the European Commission and the Government of Spain discussed the current situation and the measures taken by Spain, including contingency plans to be adopted this summer.

The Commission stands side by side with Spain and fully supports the efforts of the Spanish Government to develop an effective response to the increased number of arrivals in the past months and to protect the external border of the European Union, in particular the coast of Andalusia. The Commission has awarded nearly €30 million in emergency assistance to Spain. This includes €25.6 million awarded on 2 July and further €3 million adopted yesterday.

The Commission and Spain underlined the importance of an enhanced partnership with Morocco and the need to intensify European support and cooperation with Morocco on migration. This includes a speedy delivery of the €55 million border management programme for Morocco and Tunisia approved under the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa.

At the same time, the European Commission and the Government of Spain considered it necessary to increase cooperation with all African countries of origin and transit in order to further develop their capacities to manage their borders and address the root causes of migration.

The migration challenge that Europe faces as a whole, requires a European – not national – solution, as underlined by the EU leaders during the European Council meeting in June. The Commission will continue to show solidarity with Spain, which proved an exemplary European spirit when faced with migration challenges, and is ready to provide further financial or technical assistance.”