Joint doorstep by HR/VP Federica Mogherini and Johannes Hahn fol


Luxemburg, 19 June 2017

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High Representative/Vice-President, Federica Mogherini: “We had a very good ministerial meeting with our Eastern partners, reaffirming the strong commitment of the European Union and also of our partners to our close cooperation, preparing the Summit that we will have in November in Brussels and focusing the preparation of that on concrete deliverables. Here, Commissioner Hahn and myself have been working together very closely in these months to prepare this approach.

I have seen a certain degree of unity, a strong dedication and we will continue our work now with our 6 partners. With each of them we have a differentiated approach but with all of them – bilaterally and all together – things are moving in a very good way.”

Commissioner Johannes Hahn: “I think important is to highlight that there was a very strong support for the concept of the 20 deliverables. We have structured these 20 deliverables in four key areas: the first is governance; the second is economic development; the third is mobility and people to people; and the fourth is connectivity, energy efficiency etc…

I think it is important what the High Representative has just said, to stress it again that this was endorsed by the Member States and also very welcomed by the 6 neighbouring countries, also there are different views on some aspects, but in principle there was a strong support from both sides for this kind of approach.”

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