John Redwood’s Diary

Incisive and topical campaigns and commentary on today’s issues and tomorrow’s problems

Please stop sending nasty nonsense

All the time I was an MP I posted critical comments of government, Conservatives and myself that were often misleading or inaccurate to show balance. I deleted attacks on any named individual of whatever party , offensive material and some multiple or over long postings. A few people used to...Read More »

Labour aims for sustained fast growth

The Labour Manifesto is based on offering the best sustained growth in the G7. That means transforming our growth rate, which has been one of the better slow growth rates that characterise the main  European countries, to surpass US growth which has been in the fast lane. I admire the...Read More »

Net zero needs to be a bigger issue

According to the polls once again the Green Party will poll badly. There is little appetite for their attacks on cars, gas boilers, industrial activities in the U.K. and the domestic oil and gas industry.
The Conservatives have been changing their policy,  accepting that the public is not willing to...Read More »

What does a growth policy look like?

Labour, Conservative and Reform on 80% of the vote want a growth policy. Greens and Lib Dem’s are not so sure.

So what do we think of the ideas for growth?


Countries grow faster that set lower tax rates. Ireland has shown how to hoover up overseas  investment by setting a low...Read More »

Unpopular parties could get a bad result for the U.K.

The latest polls show around 41% wanting Labour, down on the start of the campaign. 38% want Conservative or Reform. So one fifth of the electorate wants something different, two fifths want Labour and the two fifths of a Conservative nature are having a row about policy and who should...Read More »

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