John McDonnell response to the Interim Report of the IPPR Commission on Economic Justice


John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, commenting on the
Interim Report of the IPPR Commission on Economic Justice, said:

“The Commission’s findings drive home the deep problems of the
British economy, which have been gravely worsened by seven years of Tory
failure that has seen average wages fall and debt rise.

“The Tories have given huge tax breaks to the super-rich and giant
corporations, but failed to deliver the investment in infrastructure, skills
and research and development that are needed to create the secure, high-wage
jobs of the future. As the report shows, the result is an economy dominated by
insecurity and falling living standards.

“The Commission’s interim report is yet more evidence in support
of Labour’s transformational economic programme, with high investment across
the whole country supporting an industrial strategy and a wider spread of asset
ownership to build an economy that works for the many, not the few. I welcome
the Commission’s work and I look forward to seeing the final report.”

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