JMC crucial opportunity to re-set relationship with Devolved Administrations – Mark Drakeford

The Finance Secretary will look to use the reconvening of the Committee as a chance to engage constructively in the development of the UK negotiating position for leaving the EU.

Ahead of the meeting, the Finance Secretary said:  

“Brexit has far-reaching implications for all parts of the UK – that is why we need to build a wide-based consensus. Today’s meeting is an opportunity to re-set the approach and actively involve the devolved administrations in the development of the negotiating position for leaving the EU.

“We have been clear that we are willing to work constructively together so we get the best deal for all parts of the UK. Earlier this summer, I wrote jointly with the Scottish Government to David Davis, setting out a number of ways we can make these committee meetings work better so that the JMC can meet its original remit.

“We have set out our vision for a post Brexit Wales in our White Paper Securing Wales future – we want to use today’s meeting to ensure Wales’ interests are prioritised.

“With a crucial decision due this week by the European Council on the next phase of talks, it is imperative that the UK Government involves and works with us to build a broad consensus on how Britain will look post-Brexit.”