Jeremy Corbyn statement following London bridge attack

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the
Labour Party,


“We are all shocked and horrified
by the brutal attacks in London. My thoughts are with the families and friends
of those who have died and the many who have been injured. Today, we will all
grieve for their loss.

“I would like to thank the police and emergency services for their bravery and
professionalism in acting to save lives and deal with these appalling acts of
terrorism, as well as NHS staff and members of the public who sought to protect

“The Labour party will be
suspending national campaigning until this evening, after consultations with
other parties, as a mark of respect for those who have died and suffered

“Those who wish to harm our people, divide our communities and attack our
democracy will not succeed. We will stand together to defend our common values
of solidarity, humanity and justice, and will not allow terrorists to derail
our democratic process.”
