Jeremy Corbyn responds to Theresa May’s speech in Downing Street

Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party
, responding to Theresa May’s speech in
Downing Street, said:

May is playing party games with Brexit in the hope of winning advantage for the
Tories in the General Election.

winding up the public confrontation with Brussels, the Prime Minister wants to
wrap the Conservative party in the Union Jack and distract attention from her
government’s economic failure and rundown of our public services.

Brexit is too important to be used as a political game in this election.

are vital negotiations for every person in Britain and for the future of our
country. But Theresa May is putting party interest ahead of the national

Prime Minister is right that there are those in Brussels who don’t want a deal.
But that is also true of leading figures in the Tory party, who want to use
Brexit to turn Britain into a low wage tax haven.

Prime Minister says that no deal would lead to a different economic model for

plain terms, that means wiping out employment rights and consumer protections
and giving still more tax breaks to the rich and big corporations.

the threat and the risk that comes from this Tory Government.

Labour can be trusted to negotiate a Brexit deal that puts jobs and living
standards first. Labour will negotiate a Brexit for the many not the few.”