Jenrick fast-tracks Midlands Engine growth Package

  • Commitment to new devolution deals across the Midlands
  • Publication of a new Midlands Engine Strategy brought forward to this Autumn

The Midlands Engine received a major boost today as Local Government Secretary and Midlands Engine Champion the Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP announced the Government’s commitment to further devolution deals across the region.

The Secretary of State made the announcement on a tour of Bombardier’s high-tech Research and Development facility in Derby.

The measures announced today include:

  • A pledge to build on the huge success of Mayor Andy Street in the West Midlands and pursue new devolution deals across the Midlands so all communities receive the powers, investment and resources they need to flourish.

  • A commitment to bring forward a new Midlands Engine Strategy this Autumn. This will be a roadmap for the Midlands Engine written in partnership with the region setting out how the Midlands can seize the bright opportunities ahead with investment in infrastructure, skills, technology and culture.

Local Government Secretary and Midlands Engine Champion, the Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP, said:

Today’s announcement reinforces my commitment to back the Midlands economy with a new wave of devolution deals.

We’re building on Mayor Andy Street’s huge success in the West Midlands by committing today to roll out more devolution. Taking back control doesn’t just apply to Westminster regaining sovereignty from the EU. It means cities and counties becoming more self-governing.

We are going to give greater powers to mayors, council leaders and communities and, in doing so, we will ensure that every part of the Midlands sees the benefits of all the prosperity and opportunity we have in the country.

This builds on the support we have provided for the Midlands Engine including £1.9 billion in Local Growth Fund investment and announcing the 30 towns from across the Midlands who will be among the first to develop multi-million pound Town Deals through our £3.6 billion Towns Fund.

Published 12 September 2019

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