Jenny Jones responds to Government's new air pollution strategy


14 January 2019

Green Party Baroness Jenny Jones, who has put forward a Bill to make clean air a human right, said:

“Air Pollution is a public health emergency responsible for hundred of thousands of premature deaths, but this new government strategy continues the same slow motion progress of the last two decades. As much as I welcome the long term goals of meeting World Health Organisation guidelines, I’m more concerned that we are nine years behind meeting the pollution limits for NO2 that we set ourselves back in at the turn of the century.

“We need to make clean air a human right, enforceable in the courts with a Citizens’ Commission providing legal support for parents and others to take action against those responsible for bad air. Until we get a new Clean Air Act that has legal teeth, then all these promises by government bodies, local authorities and car companies won’t result in urgent action.”  

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